Petrobras hands gas suppliers back to Uruguay

Petrobras and Uruguay’s government unveiled agreements allowing the return of two gas suppliers who had been ceded to Brazil’s state-run oil giant: Conecta SA and Distribuidora de Gas de Montevideo.


The announcement was made by Petrobras on the 16th July.


Petrobras CEO Roberto Castello Branco and Uruguayan President Tabaré Vázquez met on the 16th July to seek a definitive answer to the disputes stemming from the concessions of the two firms, the note says.


The pact was based on three items.


The first deals with the administrative measures to terminate the concessions in effect until the 30th September 2019.


The parties also agreed to end ongoing litigation without further motions of any kind.


Finally, Uruguay will spearhead operations in both concessions through the appropriate legal means, thus continuing services.


Source : O&GLinks