Rathlin begins drilling Cretaceous chalk at West Newton B

Rathlin Energy (UK) Ltd has completed wellsite and access track construction work at the West Newton B site in PEDL183, East Yorkshire.


All permits and permissions are in place to start conductor drilling operations, and pre-operational conditions have been satisfied.


The active area of the site has been fully lined with an impermeable HDPE membrane and a surface water discharge system has been installed which allows for environmental isolation of the wellsite.


Two drilling cellars have been installed. Northern Power Grid has completed electrical connection to the site which will allow the operations to use mains electrical power for site requirements, rather than diesel generators, where possible.


On the 17th August the conductor rig and associated equipment mobilised to site. The conductor will be drilled between the 18th and 22nd August.


Access changes to nearby roads, agreed by East Riding of Yorkshire Council, will remain in effect.


The conductor rig will drill to a depth of about 80 m into the Cretaceous chalk where steel casing will be installed and cemented to surface. The conductor casing will provide a stable base for the main drilling rig and protect surface formations during drilling operations.


Following completion of this phase, the conductor rig will demobilise for site preparation of the main drilling rig.


All operations are being conducted in accordance with COVID-19 related restrictions.


Rathlin UK Ltd is operator of PEDL183 and has 66.67% interest through parent Connaught Oil and Gas Ltd. Union Jack and Reabold Resources each hold 16.665% interest in the licence.


Source: Oil & Gas Journal