Mexico calls second bids on Round 3 onshore blocks

Mexico’s National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) has published a call for the second bid of Round 3, covering a collective 9,513 square kilometres with a prospective 260 MMboe.


Round 3.2 covers 37 onshore conventional exploration blocks, including 21 blocks in the Burgos region in Tamaulipas, nine blocks in the Tampico-Misantla-Veracruz region, and seven blocks in southeastern Mexico in the Tabasco and Campeche area.


Prospective resources include wet and dry natural gas and light oil.


According to an Energy Alert published by analyst firm Haynesboone, CNH’s data room is accessible until the 9th May.


Prequalified companies will be announced on the 3rd July, and proposals will be opened on the 25th July.


CNH expects to award winning proposals on the 27th July, but these dates are subject to change.